RAID / NAS Data Recovery Service

A 100% swiss data recovery service based in Neuchâtel.

Define the problem

At SOS Data Recovery, we generally distinguish two main categories of problems that can occur on a NAS/SAN. The first category concerns software issues, which are related to configuration errors, software failures, or compatibility issues. These software problems can result in data access loss, file corruption, or read/write errors. In such cases, our team of data recovery experts utilizes specialized techniques to analyze and resolve the software problems, in order to restore access to your data as quickly as possible.

The second category of problems relates to physical issues, which are typically associated with physical failures of hard drives, RAID controllers, power supplies, or other hardware components. These problems can be caused by shocks, power surges, mechanical wear, or other factors. When it comes to hardware problems, our team has the necessary equipment and facilities to perform the required repairs in a controlled and safe environment.

Whatever problem you encounter with your NAS/SAN, we are here to help. Our experienced team is available to answer all your questions, assess your situation, and provide you with the best data recovery solutions. Trust us to accompany you in this critical process and offer you a superior quality service.

The PLUS of SOS Data Recovery

  • Swiss leader of Data recovery

  • Extranet Follow-up

  • Security copy of the device

  • Secure offices

  • Data encryption on request

  • Storage in a safe

  • Monitoring of the parcels

  • Over 20 years of experience

  • Confidentiality